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1. 植物逆境生理与极端生境植物的抗逆机理研究


2. 细胞自噬调控植物抗逆的分子机制













Hakim Manghwar

































姓  名: 刘芬 研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组长 职  称: 研究员
通讯地址: 江西省南昌市溪霞镇溪霞农业园科研中心
邮政编码: 330114 电子邮箱: liuf@lsbg.cn
姓  名: 刘芬
研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组长
职  称: 研究员
通讯地址: 江西省南昌市溪霞镇溪霞农业园科研中心
邮政编码: 330114
电子邮箱: liuf@lsbg.cn


2012年9月-2018年6月 中国科学院华南植物园 博士

2009年9月-2012年6月 中国林业科学研究院 硕士

2004年9月-2008年6月 西北农林科技大学 学士


2020年7月-至今 中国科学院庐山植物园 研究员 研究组组长

2019年7月-2020年7月 华南师范大学 特聘研究员

2018年6月-2019年1月 华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校 Postdoc / Research Scientist

2015年9月-2018年5月 华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校 Research Scientist

2014年9月-2015年8月 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 Visiting Scientist






Plant Signaling & Behavior审稿专家





2022年4月 入选江西省直机关优秀团员青年拟表彰名单。

2020年12月 中国科学院植物园2020年学术论坛优秀报告评选第2名。


1. 植物细胞自噬的分子机制;

2. 植物抵御非生物胁迫的机理研究。


1.  江西省自然科学基金青年项目,2023至2025,主持;

2.  国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022至2024,主持;

3. 江西省引智专项(省高层次和急需紧缺海外人才引进计划),2021,主持;

4. 九江市基地和人才计划项目,2021至2022,主持;

5. 江西省南昌市新建区,横向科技攻关项目, 2020至2023,子项目负责人;

6. 庐山植物专项,2020至2025,主持;

7. 美国NSF项目,2013至2019,主要参加;

8. 国家自然科学基金,国际(地区)合作与交流项目,2020至2023,参与。


1. 刘芬,胡伟明. (2020). 一种植物绿色荧光蛋白信号观察装置;


1. Wang, S., Hu, W*., and Liu, F*. (2022). Autophagy in the Lifetime of Plants: From Seed to Seed. Int J Mol Sci. 23(19):11410.

2. Zhou, Y., Manghwar, H., Hu, W.*, and Liu, F*. (2022). Degradation mechanism of autophagy-related proteins and research progress. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 7301.

3. Cheng, S., Wang, Q., Manghwar, H*., and Liu, F*. (2022). Autophagy-Mediated Regulation of Different Meristems in Plants. Int J Mol Sci. 23(11):6236.

4. Khoso, MA., Hussain, A., Ritonga, FN., Ali, Q., Channa, MM., Alshegaihi, RM., Meng, Q., Ali, M., Zaman, W., Brohi, RD., Liu, F*., and Manghwar, H*. WRKY transcription factors (TFs): Molecular switches to regulate drought, temperature, and salinity stresses in plants. (2022).Front Plant Sci.13:1039329.

5. Manghwar, H*., Hussain, A., Ali, Q., and Liu, F*. (2022). Brassinosteroids (BRs) Role in Plant Development and Coping with Different Stresses. Int J Mol Sci. 23, 1012.

6. Liu, F., Hu, W., Li, F., Marshall, R.S., Zarza, X., Munnik, T., and Vierstra, R.D*. (2020). Autophagy-related (ATG)-14 and the associated phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase complex promotes autophagy in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 32, 3939-3960.

7. Huang, X., Zheng, C., Liu, F., Yang, C., Zheng, P., Lu, X., Tian, J., Chung, T., Otegui, M.S., Xiao, S., Gao, C., Vierstra, R.D. *, and Li, F*. (2019). Genetic analyses of the Arabidopsis ATG1 kinase complex reveal both kinase-dependent and independent autophagic routes during fixed-carbon starvation. Plant Cell 31, 2973-2995.

8. Liu, F., Hu, W., and Vierstra, R.D*. (2018). The vacuolar protein sorting-38 subunit of the Arabidopsis phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase complex plays critical roles in autophagy, endosome sorting, and gravitropism. Front. Plant Sci. 9, 781.

9. Liu, F., Marshall, R.S., and Li, F*. (2018). Understanding and exploiting the roles of autophagy in plants through multi-omics approaches. Plant Sci. 274, 146-152.

10. Yan, X., Tian, M. *, Liu, F., Wang, C., and Zhang, Y. (2017). Hormonal and morphological changes during seed development of Cypripedium japonicum. Protoplasma 254, 2315-2322.

11. 欧阳蒲月, 刘芬, 夏黎, 胡伟明*. (2015). 基于高通量测序技术的虎杖EST-SSRs和EST-SNPs的开发及特征分析. 中药材 38, 1164-1167.

12. 钱鑫, 刘芬, 牛晓玲, 王彩霞, 田敏*. (2014). 无距虾脊兰花粉离体萌发及储藏条件的研究. 西北植物学报 34, 341-348.

13. Qian, X., Li, Q.-J., Liu, F., Gong, M.-J., Wang, C.-X., and Tian, M*. (2014). Conservation Genetics of an Endangered Lady’s Slipper Orchid: Cypripedium japonicum in China. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15, 11578-11596.

14. 钱鑫, 连静静, 李全健, 刘芬, 王彩霞, 田敏*. (2013). 扇脉杓兰和无距虾脊兰的核型分析. 热带亚热带植物学报 21, 414-419.

15. 钱鑫, 连静静, 刘芬, 牛晓玲, 王彩霞, 田敏*. (2013). 无距虾脊兰ISSR—PCR反应体系的建立与优化. 植物研究 33, 746-751.

16. 连静静, 钱鑫, 王彩霞, 刘芬, 田敏*. (2013). 无距虾脊兰胚珠发育及种子形成研究. 西北植物学报 33, 494-500.

17. 刘芬, 李全健, 王彩霞, 连静静, 田敏*. (2013). 濒危植物扇脉杓兰的花部特征与繁育系统. 林业科学 49, 53-60.

18. 连静静, 李全健, 王彩霞, 刘芬, 田敏*. (2012). 无距虾脊兰果实发育及其解剖学特征. 植物研究 32, 707-711.

19. 王彩霞, 田敏*, 李全健, 刘芬. (2012). 白及的花部特征与繁育系统. 园艺学报 39, 1159-1166.

20. 刘芬, 田敏*, 王彩霞, 龚茂江, 李全健. (2012). 扇脉杓兰果实生长动态及胚胎发育过程观察. 植物资源与环境学报 21, 28-35.


姓  名: Hakim Manghwar 研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组员 职  称: 副研究员
通讯地址: 江西省南昌市溪霞镇溪霞农业园科研中心
邮政编码: 330114 电子邮箱: hakim@lsbg.cn
姓  名: Hakim Manghwar
研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组员
职  称: 副研究员
通讯地址: 江西省南昌市溪霞镇溪霞农业园科研中心
邮政编码: 330114
电子邮箱: hakim@lsbg.cn

Educational Background

2015-2019 Ph.D. Huazhong Agricultural University Wuhan China.

2013-2015 M.Phil. Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad Pakistan.

2011-2013 M.Sc. Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad Pakistan.

2008-2010 B.Sc. University of Sindh Jamshoro  Sindh Pakistan. 

Work Experience

2021- to date Associate Researcher Lushan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

2019-2021 Postdoctoral Researcher South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou,China.

Research Interests

To study the physiological response and molecular mechanism of plants under different abiotic stress conditions.  

Scientific research projects undertaken:

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation,2020M682721,Functional Characterization and Molecular Mechanism of AtSAL1 against Endoplasmic reticulum stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. (Host)

Honours and awards

1. Selected as an excellent Alumni(PhD 2019)at Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei,China.

2. Secured second position in poster presentation in“2nd SINO-PAK International Conference on Innovations in Cotton Breeding & Biotechnology”,November 26–27,2018 at Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture Multan,Pakistan.

3. Got Chinese Government Scholarship to pursue a PhD for the years;2015–2019.

4. Indigenous Ph.D., Fellowships, Higher Education Commission (HEC), Govt. of Pakistan (For MPhil leading to PhD 2013 to 2017),not availed.

5. Prime Minister’s Laptop award during MPhil.

6. admission of MPhil degree in 2013 in Quaid-i-Azam University,Islamabad,Pakistan. 


1. Qurban Ali,Chenjie Yu,Amjad Hussain,Mohsin Ali, Sunny Ahmar, Muhammad Aamir Sohail,Muhammad Riaz,Dyaaaldin Abdalmegeed, Hakim Manghwar*,Lei Zhou1.Genome engineering technology for durable disease resistance;recent progress and future outlook in sustainable agriculture.Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:860281.doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.860281.IF:5.753

2. Qurban Ali#*,Hongxia Zheng#,Muhammad Junaid Rao,Mohsin Ali,Muhammad Hamza Saleem,Yasser Nehela,Muhammad Aamir Sohail, Agha Mushtaque Ahmed, Kashif Ali Kubar,Shafaqat Ali,Hakim Manghwar*,Lei Zhou.Advances,limitations, and prospects of biosensing technology for detecting phytopathogenic bacteria. Chemosphere,296(2022)133773. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.133773.IF:7.086

3. Hakim Manghwar*,Amjad Husssain,Qurban Ali,and Fen Liu*.Brassinosteroids (BRs) Role in Plant Development and Coping with Different Stresses.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022,23,1012.https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23031012.IF:5.923

4. Hakim Manghwar and Jianming Li*.Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Unfolded Protein Response Signaling in Plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022,23,828. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23020828.IF:5.923

5. Hakim Manghwar,Amjad Hussain,Qurban Ali, Muhammad Hamzah Saleem,Muyassar H.Abualreesh,Aishah Alatawi,Shafaqat Ali* and Muhammad Farooq Hussain Munis*(2021)Disease severity, resistance analysis and expression profiling of pathogenesis-related protein genes after the inoculation of Fusarium equiseti in wheat.Agronomy 2021,11(11), 2124; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11112124

6. Hakim Manghwar* and Amjad Hussain(2021).Mechanism of tobacco osmotin gene in plant responses to biotic and abiotic stress tolerance;a brief history.BIOCELL ID:17316.

7. Amjad Hussain;Xiao Ding;Muna Alariqi;Hakim Manghwar;Fengjiao Hui; Yapei Li; Junqi Cheng;Chenglin Wu; Jinlin Cao; Shuangxia Jin*.Herbicide resistance: another hot agronomic trait for genome editing. Plants 2021,10,621. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10040621.

8. Debin Zhan†;Amjad Hussain†;Hakim Manghwar;Kabin Xie;Shengsong Xie;Shuhong Zhao;Robert M.Larkin;Ping Qin;Shunagxia Jin; Fang Ding*.Genome editing with the CRISPR-Cas system: an art, ethics and global regulatory perspective.Plant Biotechnology Journal,(2020)18,pp.1651–1669.

9. Aamir Hamid Khan, Ling Min,Yizan Ma,Yuanlong Wu,Yuanhao Ding,Yanlong Li,Sai Xie,Abid Ullah,Muhammad Shaban,Hakim Manghwar,Muhammad Shahid, Yunlong Zhao,Chaozhi Wang and Xianlong Zhang*.High day and night temperatures distinctively disrupt fatty acid and jasmonic acid metabolism, inducing male sterility in cotton. Journal of Experimental Botany,Vol.71,No.19 pp. 6128–6141,2020 doi:10.1093/jxb/eraa319.

10. Hakim Manghwar,Bo Li,Xiao Ding,Amjad Hussain,Keith Lindsey,Xianlong Zhang§,Shuangxia Jin§.CRISPR/Cas Systems in Genome Editing:Methodologies and Tools for sgRNA Design, Off-target Evaluation and Strategies to Mitigate Off-target Effects. Advanced Science,2020,1902312,DOI:10.1002/advs.201902312.

11. Hakim Manghwar,Keith Lindsey,Xianlong Zhang§,Shuangxia Jin§.CRISPR/Cas System: Recent Advances and Future Prospects for Genome Editing. Trends in Plant Science. Volume 24, Issue 12, December 2019, Pages 1102-1125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2019.09.006.

12. Lei Qin;Jianying Li;Qiongqiong Wang;Zhongping Xu;Lin Sun;Muna Alariqi;Hakim Manghwar;Guangying Wang;Bo Li;Xiao Ding;Hangping Rui;Huimei Huang; Tianliang Lu;Keith Lindsey;Henry Daniell;Xianlong Zhang;Shuangxia Jin*.High Efficient and Precise Base Editing of C•G to T•A in the Allotetraploid Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Genome using a Modified CRISPR/Cas9 System.Plant Biotechnology Journal,(2020)18, pp.45–56.

13. Amjad Hussain,Amna,Muhammad Aqeel Kamran,Muhammad Tariq Javed,Kashif Hayat,Muhammad Asad, Farooq,Naeem Ali,Musrat Ali,Hakim Manghwar,Farooq Jan,Hassan Javed Chaudhary*.Individual and combinatorial application of Kocuria rhizophila and citric acid on phytoextraction of multi-metal contaminated soils by Glycine max L.Environmental and Experimental Botany,159(2019)23–33.

14. Li, Jianying†;Manghwar,Hakim†(First co-author);Sun,Lin†; Wang, Pengcheng;Wang,Guanying;Sheng,Hanyan;Zhang,Jie;Liu, Hao; Qin,Lei; Rui,Hangping; Li,Bo;Lindsey,Keith;Daniell,Henry;Jin, Shuangxia*; Zhang, Xianlong. Whole genome sequencing reveals rare off‐target mutations and considerable inherent genetic or/and somaclonal variations in CRISPR/Cas9‐edited cotton plants.Plant Biotechnology Journal(2018),pp.1–11, https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13020.

15. Abid Ullah,Hakim Manghwar,Muhammad Shaban,Aamir Hamid Khan,Adnan Akbar, Usman Ali,Ehsan Ali, Shah Fahad(2018).Phytohormones enhanced drought tolerance in plants:a coping strategy.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-3364-5.

16. Abid Ullah,Adnan Akbar,Qingqing Luo,Aamir Hamid Khan,Hakim Manghwar,Muhammad Shaban,Xiyan Yang*(2018).Microbiome Diversity in Cotton Rhizosphere Under Normal and Drought Conditions.Microbial Ecology.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-018-1260-7.

17. Lizhen ZHU,Jianying LI,Zhongping XU,Hakim MANGHWAR,Sijia LIANG, uli LI,Muna ALARIQI, Shuangxia JIN*,Xianlong ZHANG (2018).Identification and selection of resistance to Bemisia tabaci among 550 cotton genotypes in the field and greenhouse experiments. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2018223.

18. Abid Ullah,Hafsa Mushtaq,Usman Ali,Hakim,Ehsan Ali,Samavia Mubeen.Screening, isolation,biochemical and plant growth promoting characterization of endophytic bacteria.Microbiology: Current Research,2018 Volume 2 Issue 2.

19. Hakim Manghwar,Amjad Hussain,Abid Ullah,Summia Gul,Muhammad Shaban, Aamir Hamid Khan, Musrat Ali, Syed Gul Abbas Shah Sani, Hassan Javed Chaudhary, Muhammad Farooq Hussain Munis* (2018).Expression analysis of defense related genes in wheat and maize against Bipolaris sorokiniana. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 103:36–46.

20. Muhammad Shaban,Yuhuan Miao,Abid Ullah,Anam Qadir Khan,Hakim Menghwar,Aamir Hamid Khan,Muhammad Mahmood Ahmed, Muhammad Adnan Tabassum, Longfu Zhu*.(2018).Physiological and molecular mechanism of defense in cotton against Verticillium dahliae.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 125: 193–204.

21. Hakim,Abid Ullah,Amjad Hussain,Muhammad Shaban,Aamir Hamid Khan, Muna Alariqi,Summia Gul, Zhang Jun,Sun Lin, Jianying Li, Shuangxia Jin*,Muhammad Farooq Hussain Munis* (2018).Osmotin:A plant defense tool against biotic and abiotic stresses.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 123:149–159.

22. M.Farooq Hussain Munis*,Shicheng Xu,Hakim,Samia Naz, Hassan Javed Chaudhary,Sajid Masood,Abu Bakr Umer Farooq (2018). Diagnosis of Fusarium graminearum in Soil and Plant Samples of Wheat by Real-Time PCR.Romanian Biotechnological Letters,Vol.23,No. 5,2018, DOI 10.26327/RBL2018.223.

23. Abid Ullah,Heng Sun,Hakim,Xiyan Yang* and Xianlong Zhang (2017).A novel cotton WRKY gene, GhWRKY6-like,improves salt tolerance by activating the ABA signaling pathway and scavenging of reactive oxygen species.Physiologia Plantarum.doi:10.1111/ppl.12651.

24. Xin-Qi Cheng,Xue-Feng Zhu,Wen-Gang Tian,Wen-Han Cheng,Hakim,Jie Sun,Shuang-Xia Jin,Hua-Guo Zhu (2017).Genome-wide identifcation and expression analysis of polyamine oxidase genes in upland cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture(PCTOC). 129,237–249. DOI 10.1007/s11240-017-1172-0.

25. A. Ullaha,H.Mushtaq,Sh.Fahad,Hakim,A.Shah,and H. J. Chaudhary*.Plant Growth Promoting Potential of Bacterial Endophytes in Novel Association with Olea ferruginea and Withania coagulans (2017).ISSN 0026-2617,Microbiology,2017, Vol. 86,No.1,pp.119–127.

26. Noor Muhammad,Hakim,Umar Masood Quraishi, Hassan Javed Chaudhary, Muhammad Farooq Hussain Munis*(2016).IAA(indole-3-acetic acid)induces biochemical and physiological changes in wheat under drought stress. PHILIPP AGRIC SCIENTIST Vol.99 No.1,19–24.

27. Hakim,S.Naz,S.Gul,H.J.Chaudhary and M.F.H.Munis*(2015). FIRST REPORT OF RHIZOPUS ORYZAE CAUSING FRUIT ROT OF CITRUS MEDICA L.IN PAKISTAN.Journal of Plant Pathology,97(1),209–220.

28. Hakim,S.Naz,F.Liaquat,S.Gul,H.J.Chaudhary and M.F.H.Munis* (2015).PRESENCE OF BACILLUS PUMILUS CAUSING FRUIT ROT OF FICUS LACOR IN PAKISTAN.Journal of Plant Pathology,97(3),541–551.


姓  名: 王松 研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组员 职  称: 副研究员
通讯地址: 江西省南昌市溪霞镇溪霞农业园科研中心
邮政编码: 330114 电子邮箱: wangs@lsbg.cn
姓  名: 王松
研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组员
职  称: 副研究员
通讯地址: 江西省南昌市溪霞镇溪霞农业园科研中心
邮政编码: 330114
电子邮箱: wangs@lsbg.cn


2016-09 至 2020-06 福建农林大学 作物遗传育种 博士

2013-09 至 2016-06 福建农林大学 作物遗传育种 硕士

2009-09 至 2013-06 安徽科技学院 种子科学与工程 学士


2020年12月-至今 中科院庐山植物园 


2020年12月-至今 庐山植物园 副研究员 





1. 植物细胞自噬与非生物胁迫。

2. 作物单倍体诱导技术的开发。 


1. 海藻糖合成途径基因调控植物自噬发生的分子机制研究, 2021-2023, 在研,主持,中科院庐山植物园专项,2021ZWZX02.

2. 植物抗炎的特征成分解析与代谢调控机理研究,2022-2024,在研, 参与, 中国科学院重点部署项目,KJZD-SW-L13.

3. 庐山云雾茶脱毒快繁体系的建立和应用推广,2022-2022,在研,参与,九江市基地人才计划-高层次科技创新人才,S2021QNZZ048.

4. 基于早期叶片形态发生的甘蓝型油菜响应温和干旱的机制研究,2018-2020,结题,参与,福建省自然科学基金项目,2018J05044.

5. 福建省科技厅,苯磺隆诱导甘蓝型 油菜雄性不育早期调控元件的研究, 2018-2019,结题,参与,福建省科技厅自然科学基金高校联合资助面上项目,2018J01711.

6. 不同甘蔗着丝粒DNA序列的组成、结构与演化分析,2018-2019,结题,参与, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31771862.

7. 着丝粒特异性组蛋白CENH3介导的甘蔗单倍体诱导体系的建立,2017-2019,结题,参与,福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目重点项目,JK2017016.


1. Song Wang et al. Centromere histone H3- and phospholipase-mediated haploid induction in plants.Plant Methods,2019,15(1)(二区,IF=4.993).

2. Song Wang et al.Genome-Wide Identification, Evolution,and Expression Analysis of TPS and TPP Gene Families in Brachypodium distachyon.Plants,2019,8,362(三区,IF=3.935).

3. Song Wang et al.Fine mapping of qBlsr3d,a quantitative trait locus conferring resistance to bacterial leaf streak in rice.Crop Science.2020;60:1854–1862(二区,IF=2.319).

4. Qingfang Lin#, Song Wang# et al.Arabidopsis thaliana Trehalose-6-Phosphate Phosphatase gene AtTPPI enhances drought tolerance by regulating stomatal apertures.Journal of Experimental Botany. 2020.71(14),4285–4297(一区,共一,IF=6.992).

5. TPPI基因在调控植物气孔开度和提高植物抗旱性中的应用,2018-10-16 , CN201811199844.8(专利).


姓  名: 王丽平 研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组员 职  称: 助理研究员
通讯地址: 江西省南昌市溪霞镇溪霞农业园科研中心
邮政编码: 330114 电子邮箱: wlp_cailang@126.com
姓  名: 王丽平
研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组员
职  称: 助理研究员
通讯地址: 江西省南昌市溪霞镇溪霞农业园科研中心
邮政编码: 330114
电子邮箱: wlp_cailang@126.com


2017年9月-2021年6月 华南农业大学 博士

2015年9月-2017年6月 华南农业大学 硕士

2006年9月-2010年6月 北京林业大学 学士 


2022年5月-至今 江西省、中国科学院庐山植物园

2011年4月至2014年9月 北京市花木有限公司北京天卉苑花卉研究所




1. 拟南芥ABA受体通过选择性细胞自噬降解的分子机制研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目,参加)

2. 拟南芥CCA1介导生物钟调控细胞自噬响应碳饥饿的机制研究(广东省自然科学基金面上项目,参加) 


1. Liping Wang,Anqi Zhou,Jing Li,Mingkang Yang,Fan Bu,Liangfa Ge,Liang Chen* and Wei Huang*.Circadian rhythms driving a fast-paced root clock implicate species-specific regulation in Medicago truncatula[J].Journal of Integrative Plant Biology.2021.63(8):1537-1554

2. Mingkang Yang,Liping Wang,Chumin Chen,Xv Guo,Chuanglie Lin,Wei Huang* and Liang Chen*.Genome-wide analysis of autophagy-related genes in Medicago truncatula highlights their roles in seed development and response to drought stress[J].Scientific Reports.2021.11(1):22933

3. Hao Liu#,Dongxiu Hu#,Puxuan Du#,Liping Wang,Xuanqiang Liang,Haifen Li,Qing Lu,Shaoxiong Li, Haiyan Liu,Xiaoping Chen*,Rajeev K Varshney*,Yanbin Hong*.Single-cell RNA-seq describes the transcriptome landscape and identifies critical transcription factors in the leaf blade of the allotetraploid peanut (Arachis hypogaeaL.)[J].Plant Biotechnology Journal.2021.19:2261–2276

4. Zhicheng Jiao,Liping Wang,Huan Du,Ying Wang,Weixu Wang, Junjie Liu,Jinhang Huang,Wei Huang and Liangfa Ge*.Genome-wide study of C2H2 zinc finger gene family in Medicago truncatula[J].BMC Plant Biology,2020.20:401

5. Likai Chen,Xianchen Yan,Liping Wang,Weiwei Gao,Jing Yang, Siping Chen,Zhenhua Guo,Jiyong Zhou,Hui Wang,ZhiqiangChen* and Tao Guo*.Pasting properties,grain-filling characteristics and allelic variation linked to the grain quality in diverse rice[J]. Euphytica,2017.213:29

6. Likai Chen,Weiwei Gao,Siping Chen,Liping Wang,Jiyong Zou, Yongzhu Liu,Hui Wang,Zhiqiang Chen* and Tao Guo*.High-resolution QTL mapping for grain appearance traits and co-localization of chalkiness-associated differentially expressed candidate genes in rice[J].Rice,2016.9:48

7. 王丽平,黄巍,陈亮*.植物生物钟组织特异性研究进展[J].植物生理学报, 2022,58(1):33-38

8. 高维维,陈思平,王丽平,陈立凯,郭涛,王慧,and 陈志强*.稻米蒸煮品质性状与分子标记关联研究[J].中国农业科学,2017,50(4):599-611


姓  名: 程珊 研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组员 职  称: 研究实习员
通讯地址: 江西省南昌市溪霞镇溪霞现代农业园
邮政编码: 332900 电子邮箱: chengshan@lsbg.cn
姓  名: 程珊
研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组员
职  称: 研究实习员
通讯地址: 江西省南昌市溪霞镇溪霞现代农业园
邮政编码: 332900
电子邮箱: chengshan@lsbg.cn


2017-09 至 2020-07 南京农业大学 微生物 硕士

2013-09 至 2017-06 江西农业大学 生物工程 学士 


2020-10-至今 江西省中国科学院庐山植物园 研究实习员


2020-10-至今  江西省中国科学院庐山植物园研究实习员 




1. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区科学基金项目,32160099, 掌叶覆盆子的种质资源多样性评估和核心种质构建,2022-01-01至2025-12-31,在研,参与

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区科学基金项目,32160060,大麦中大麦芽碱合成途径关键酶的功能解析,2022-01-01至2025-12-31在研, 参与

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31970099, 细菌代谢二甲酚的分子机制研究,2020-01-01至2023-12-31,在研,参与

4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,31800095,甲烷单加氧酶pMMO铜响应的转录调控机制,2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31,在研,参与


1. Zhou C Y,Ye B,Cheng S,Zhao L Z,Liu Y X,Jiang J J,Yan X * .Promoter engineering enables overproduction of foreign proteins from a single copy expression cassette in Bacillus subtilis.[J]. Microbial Cell Factories,2019,18:111.Doi:10.1186/s12934-019-1159-0.

2. Ye B,Zhou C Y,Zhao L Z,Cheng S,Cheng D,Yan X * .Unmarked genetic manipulation in Bacillus subtilis by natural co-transformation. Journal of Biotechnology,2018,284:57-62.

3. Zhao L Z,Ye B,Zhao Q,Cheng D,Zhou C Y, Cheng S,Yan X*.Construction of second generation protease-deficient hosts of Bacillus subtilis for secretion of foreign proteins.Biotechnol Bioeng. 2019 Aug;116(8):2052-2060.Doi:10.1002/bit.26992.


姓  名: 于百洋 研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组员 职  称: 科研助理
通讯地址: 中国科学院庐山植物园(南昌溪霞分园)
邮政编码: 330000 电子邮箱: 412700287@qq.com
姓  名: 于百洋
研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组员
职  称: 科研助理
通讯地址: 中国科学院庐山植物园(南昌溪霞分园)
邮政编码: 330000
电子邮箱: 412700287@qq.com


2017年9月-2020年6月 广西大学 理学硕士

2013年9月-2017年6月 电子科技大学中山学院 工学学士


2021年3月-至今 中国科学院庐山植物园


2021年3月-至今 中国科学院庐山植物园 科研助理




1. Jiang Q,Zeng Y,Yu B,et al.The rice pds1 locus genetically interacts with partnerto cause panicle exsertion defects and ectopic tillers in spikelets[J]. BMC Plant Biology,2019,19(1).(共同一作)

2. Yu B,Liu J,Wu D,et al.Weighted gene coexpression network analysis-basedidentification of key modules and hub genes associated with drought sensitivityin rice [J].BMC Plant Biology, 2020,20(1).


姓  名: 时云峰 研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组员 职  称: 科研助理
通讯地址: 江西省南昌市溪霞镇溪霞农业园科研中心
邮政编码: 330114 电子邮箱: 576016428@qq.com
姓  名: 时云峰
研 究 组: 植物生理研究组
职  务: 研究组员
职  称: 科研助理
通讯地址: 江西省南昌市溪霞镇溪霞农业园科研中心
邮政编码: 330114
电子邮箱: 576016428@qq.com


2018年-2020年 华南农业大学 渔业发展专业 硕士

2013年-2017年 电子科技大学中山学院 生物工程专业 学士


2021年8月-至今 中国科学院庐山植物园(溪霞分园)







1.uelian Tang;Jinghua Fu;Xukai Tan;Yunfeng Shi;Jiawei Ye;Wanting Guan; Yifu Shi; Minjun Xu. The miR-155 regulates cytokines expression by SOSC1 signal pathways of fish in vitro and in vivo [J].Fish & shellfish immunology,2020, 106:28-35.